Get Involved with the
Hudson Community Choruses
"We're walking temples of noise, and when you add tender hearts to this mix,
it somehow lets us meet in places we couldn't get to any other way.” - Anne Lamott
"Community" is the most important word in our name. The foundation and strength of our organization stems from a community built through music. Whether you are a singer, an audience member, a sponsor, or a patron, you are an essential part of the Hudson Community Choruses. Click below for more on how you can join!
Sing with Us
Do you love to sing? It doesn't matter if you can read music, or if only your shampoo has heard your music. We welcome all to join - treble voices ages 8 to 18, and all voices 18 to 80+ will find an ensemble in HCC. Click to learn about our choruses.
Subscribe to Updates
Subscribe to our community email list to be notified of upcoming concert and community events within the Choruses. Click here to sign up.
Support the Choruses
The Hudson Community Chorus is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are so grateful to our sponsors and patrons who enable the chorus to fulfill its mission to bring together a community in song. Click here to support us - Thank you!
HCC Board of Directors
The Board of Directors oversees the mission and vision of the Hudson Community Choruses. Click here for more details.