The Hudson Community
Youth & Children's Choruses

H3C / HCYC Frequently Asked Questions
When are rehearsals?
Rehearsals are held every Tuesday, at Hudson Presbyterian Church 201 W. Streetsboro St, Hudson. Children's Chorus 5:00 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Youth Chorus 6:00 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.
How will I know if rehearsal is cancelled?
You will be notified by email. Please make sure we have your current phone number.
What if I must miss a rehearsal?
Absences affect your ability to learn the music and make it difficult to achieve a balance in parts and sound. Please make every effort to attend, but if you can't be there, please send an email to absences@hudsonsings.org and let us know.
What does it cost to join Hudson Community Youth/Children's Choruses?
Our year is divided into two seasons -- Holiday and Spring . If you pay for each season separately, the fee is $75 payable at the beginning of each season, or you can pay for both the holiday and spring season in September at a cost of $140. Beyond fees, we ask for your support through our annual fall campaign, selling concert tickets, and assisting on the board or its committees.
How does the chorus dress for concerts?
Vests for Children's Chorus are provided.
Choristers are responsible one of the following attire options:
· Black collared dress shirt with black buttons
· Black skirt, past knees
· Black dress shoes, flat (No heels, jewels, or distracting embellishments))
· Black tights (NOT patterned)
Black collared dress shirt with black buttons
Black dress pants
Black dress shoes and black dress socks
* In addition to the uniform, please refer to the following additional guidelines
when preparing for a concert:
· HAIR: Singers with longer hair should be worn pulled back from the face, with no
visible accessories, NO colored ribbons or clips. Singers with shorter hair should be combed neatly away from the face.
Who owns the music we perform?
The music in your concert packet is owned by HCC or borrowed from other music programs. It is for your use until the concert. You should take care of the music and make all notations in your music in pencil only. All music will be returned to Maria Tazzi, our music librarian, at the end of each concert season.