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A Marvelously Musical Start for the Youth and Children's Chorus!

Greetings, parents!

We have had such a wonderful time in choir this season. I am so excited every Monday to start rehearsal. Since we started, the choristers have been working on a number of topics. We start each rehearsal with a learning about how to sing well. This includes posture, how to take a singers breath (verses a regular speaking breath), how to control your breath, how your mouth should be shaped when singing, and most importantly: singing out! We talked about how every voice is important in choir. We all are leaders!

We have been working hard on our pieces for the December concert. With the Children’s choir, we have been learning how to read a score. What line do you sing? Where do you go on a page turn? What is a repeat? All important topics! In each choir we pick the piece apart, learning how each part goes. This can be done by clapping the rhythms, learning about where to breath, speaking the text in rhythm, and so much more. With the Youth choir, we have been working on tools to help us in our sight-reading. It is a lot to throw at them all at once but they are catching on well. I always tell new choristers: there will be a lot of information thrown at you at the beginning but don’t get nervous because you have friends around you to help.

It has been a wonderful time and I can’t wait for these choristers to learn more about what it means to sing well and have fun doing it!

With Ms. Yoder, choristers have been focusing on the registers of the voice and different vocalizations . They practiced vocalizations with partners to become familiar with both the sounds our voices can make as well as how to read certain music notations. The Children's group expanded on this while applying their understanding of upper and lower registers by analyzing and learning how to yodel (don't worry, no actual goats were present for this)! The Youth group added on some rhythm practice to their register practice and creating a percussion song all on their own (see video below!) Choristers also spent some time with music appreciation by thinking through and creating an album cover for either their favorite musician or one for themselves and their future songwriting!

In addition to these musical skills, we have also learned some breathing techniques and self-awareness skills such as the zones of regulation, to use throughout our class as we strengthen all parts of our singing selves!

Thanks for keeping updated with what we are doing and supporting your choristers at home! Feel free to reach out to Mr. Mario or Ms. Yoder with questions or concerns, and we look forward to seeing everyone next Monday! ~Mr. Mario and Ms. Yoder

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